So, the Grizzly Peak Flyfishers of Kensington provides the tank, and the Department of Fish and Game provides the eggs and monitors teacher progress. Archway students provide enthusiasm, curiosity and care. They observe the trout’s growth and movements as topics for descriptive writing assignments. They are also responsible for recording water temperature.
On a Thursday, late in February, the children and their drivers including Mr. Barry went to Lake Temescal during lunch to release their trout. Each student was responsible for releasing one baby trout and had the option to send them off with a name. There was Sheila, Charzar, Something, lots of little Barrys and a few others. After lunch there was enough time for a hike around the lake and some raft building and rock climbing before heading back to Archway.
Thank you Mr. Barry for bringing this project to Archway and for inviting me to the release. I enjoyed watching the children wish their babies well.
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